Friday, November 13, 2020

Final Girl Friday. JJ Rocks Manhattan.

Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Vancouver... um I mean Manhattan. AKA Jason Goes Out for a Slice. Okay, so this rowdy outing for our rotting hockey-masked big boy was not his best but people do not give this film enough credit. While it may not be the scariest of the bunch it definitely has enough weirdness and (perhaps unintentional) humor to keep you entertained. I mean, Jason literally punches a guy's head off and kicks a pack of hoodlums in the boombox. My one gripe with the film is that they got the final girl all wrong. Despite having all these murdery visions and whatnot final girl Rennie was kinda boring. She's like a grown-up Tommy Jarvis-lite. I would've preferred guitar wielding rocker chick JJ. Not only does she have great hair she could've wielded her axe (ie: guitar) as a deadly weapon. That would've taken the film to a whole other level.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Currently Watching: 2020 Texas Gladiators aka Anno 2020 - I Gladiatori del Futuro

2020 Texas Gladiators aka Anno 2020 - I Gladiatori del Futuro is a film by Joe D'Amato about post-apocalyptic Texas. A ragtag band of scantily clad Texans fight against a fascist regime (who wear fancy helmets and wield clear plastic shields and uzis) that is trying to take control of... well Texas I guess. Yeah, it's set in the year 2020. Holy shit, this is the perfect film for right now. Stressful times ya know? The moral of the story is (spoiler alert!!!!) that fascists will always get their asses kicked in the end. I'm looking at you, you melty creamsicle looking dumbfuck of a president. Well, at least there is still plenty of spare cans of aquanaut and vats of peroxide after the apocalypse. You might be starving but your hair is gonna look awesome. It seems as though maybe clothing is hard to come by though. Just have to cover your dirty bits with scraps of shredded leather like everyone else. Oh yeah, and make sure you stock up on the guzzaline for your dirt bikes. And be sure to wipe those seat down, especially after a day of riding around in your ass-less chaps.

...and for those of you who manna watch a whole VHS rip here you go. Enjoy creeps.